Monday, December 9, 2019

Adolf Hitler Essay Thesis Example For Students

Adolf Hitler Essay Thesis Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler was born on April 20,1889. This was the beginning withhorrible plans for power and control of other people.Some of the things thatHitler did throughout his life were very cruel things; first of all, he was aman who loved war and fighting. Second, he was in charge of putting all of theinnocent Jews into Concentration Camps and killing them. Third, he wanted onedominate race of all the same kind of people. Fourth, he had a life longobsession with danger. Fifth, he blamed the Jews for the war debt and sentencedthem all to die. So as you can see already Hitler was a very cruel person. The fact that he wanted one dominate race was unbelievably true. Firstof all, the fact he would kill everyone one way or another that didnt haveblond hair and blue eye and was of German descent, was a frightening fact. Theidea of this gives me quite a scare my self, because I have brown hair, andbrown eyes and would I have been killed just because I did not Hitlers physicalstandards. Also Hitler himself did not have blond hair and blue eyes. Next, Idont think that you should judge anyone by the way they look or what they do;that is very wrong. Hitlers idea of one dominate race was a very bad one. Adolf Hitler was born in an Austrian town known as Braunau am Inn. Hitler was the son of a man named Alois. Alois Hitlers father was a Customofficials, and his mother was named Klara. Alois was illegitimate, first of allhe used his mothers name, Schicklgruber until 1876, when he adopted the nameHitler. Adolfs father was very strict with him, and ignored him most of thetime because Adolf liked to dream. As you can see Adolf did not idealize hisfather very much, and his death in 1903 actually came as a relief to Adolf. Adolf really idealized his mother, whose death in 1907 had a traumatic effect onhim. So as you can see Adolf lead a very mixed up childhood. As Hitler grew up, he failed as a student in the classical secondaryschools. This led Hitler to new opportunities, for instance his desire to becomean artist. Adolf tried to pursue this dream but, was unable to attain admissionto the Academy of Fine Arts. Since he was unable to do anything, he lead ashadowy, alienated existence in multicultural Vienna until 1913. Hitler wasdescribed as living his life in melancholy, aimlessness, and racial hatred. Also in Vienna he established his life long obsession with danger. Hitler was afailure at virtually everything he tried in his early years as you can see. In 1913 Hitler went to Munich, partly to evade being drafted into theAustrian army. There he answered the call to colors at the outbreak of WorldWar I and Served in the Bavarian Sixteenth Regiment on the Western Front. Thisturned Hitlers life around, for example, he distinguished himself for braveryand was awarded the Iron Cross, First Class. For the first time in Hitlers life,he had found a home. He glorified, for example, the raw majesty of life underfire, the beauty of comradeship, and the nobility of the warrior. His soldierydreams of victory and fulfillment were shattered, however, by German defeat. Hebecame convinced that Germany had been stabbed in the back by Jews andMarxists. So now you can see that this started his extreme hatred if the Jewishpeople and the realization he needed to become involved in this problem. Meaning of life EssayWhat contributes to the cultivation of bigotry and hate?What happened during the Holocaust was a tragic moment for all mankind, but how does something like the Holocaust and hate exist in this world? It starts with no education towards other races, because those (most, not all) who are racist/hateful are uneducated. They were taught to hate others at some point in their life. But some were taught to hate others while they were young. I remember watching a talk show called Maury Povich and there were some parents on the show, who were racist. Well, when they asked their kids if they like blacks or Hispanics, they said No. When asked why, they said my parents told us not to. It made me feel very sad, because they never even had a chance to make their own decision. Some of the factors that help promote hate and bigotry is the Internet. Yes, most people can block hate sites off their computer, but a lot dont. So those who are not getting these hate site blocked fro m their computer, can access these sites and get influenced by what they see. The sites promote to the youth, because they are the most vulnerable. Its a known fact that the two Columbine shooters went to these sites, which influenced them to hate the African American sport athletes in their school. Those who go to these sites are able to hide behind a screen at home and gain hate knowledge. Powerful leaders are also a key factor to the cultivation of hate and bigotry. Look at Hitler; until he started talking about the Jews and their destruction to Germanys economy, he was nothing. If you have a strong leader, he can reach out to the minds of the followers more than a website, because he is proof in the flesh of a man with power. Other factors that contribute to hate and bigotry are hate books and music. Most people know that Hitlers book Mein Kampf was a major reason for his Nazi party more power and recruits. It talked about anti-Semitism and himself, which helped his party as a m ajor player. Those who ignored him before were now going to his side. Hate books and pamphlets still exist today. Today, some of the most popular singers are selling millions of hate tapes, mostly coming from musicians Marilyn Manson and Eminem. Those two singers are both top sellers, but contain tons of hate words like faggot, etc. To the young kids who are listening to their music, these words become everyday language and create an unstable life. Unstable meaning, getting into fights, suspended, or put in jai, due to using these words. These words are also heard on television shows like Howard Stern or Jerry Springer. They sometimes get censored, but thats not always the case. Many new and old groups of hate are growing like the Klu Klux Klan, Panthers, and a anti-Semitic group in Russia called Pamyat. The Pamyat is a nationalistic group, which blame Jews for the evil of the country and encourage violence(Franklin). So we may not be able to stop these groups, but maybe we can help contain them. Why does Shindlers list make a significant contribution to understanding the Holocaust?When Shindlers List first came out, it was a very controversial film. Why? The Holocaust was one of the worlds worst moments, with the death of over six million Jews dead. Many critics felt Steven Spielberg would be bringing up the horrors of the Holocaust all over again. So many Jews were against the movie coming out. Film critic Alan A. Stone of the Boston Review says that Spielbergs decision to make a film about the Holocaust was a monumental task, because he was Jewish. His own personal Jewish identity was on the line. He knew that he was making the important film in his life and anything less than a success would be a failure, according to Stone. The movie was a success and won a lot of awards, but it did something more special than awards and money. Shindlers List gave all those non-Jews who are too young to remember the Holocaust, a chance to feel the grief for themselves. This movie was an experience that most people never had the chance to feel before. Not many people have relatives that are Holocaust survivors to talk to and put the traumatic story together for them. So people like myself had to read about the Holocaust and wondered what it must have been like. Its kind of like what Stone said about the color of the film (black and white), This creates and sustains a style throughout the film which adds to our sense of watching history unfold, in real time. Thats what this movie gives to those who dont know about the Holocaust, a feeling that we are watching this happen in real time. This film takes us in the ghettos, the boxcars, the concentration camps, the torture, the home raids, and the Final Solution, which is the most heartbreaking. This movie shows us that although bad was everywhere, good was present. The good being Oskar Shindler, because even though he was quick to make an early dollar, he found good in himself to free as many Jews as he could. Spielberg made this movie more real than any so called reality show, because it brought the human compassion out of all the viewers. Thats what made this movie so great, was that it captured different age groups and different races. What changes need to be made to American society in order to move beyond tolerance to empathy and compassion for all?In order to move towards compassion for all people and be sensitive towards another persons feelings, it must start at home. The parents of young children, whose minds are vulnerable, must teach love, not hate. If you can get to a young child early and teach them that we are all the same, as in races, then thats getting a head start. You cant teach a young kid to love a Hispanic, Jewish, or African-American kid, if hes been taught that whites are above them. Its too late. Another way to get to a young child early is through his teacher. Teachers have always been known as secondary parents. If a teacher teaches love and equality, then you may be able to reach a few kids, whom were thinking otherwise. They are with their kids for up to six hours a day, so pushing this ideal wouldnt be so hard. The schools need to also promote diversity in all ages, even in high school and universities. Promoting diversity would be like having African American day or Jewish week, etc., because it could let people know about the hardships that all cultures endured. Most schools let Martin Luther Kind Jr. day off of school, but do most people know what he accomplished or endured, same goes for Jewish holidays, do most know about the Holocaust. Schools and the country need to also promote the awareness of the crimes, because if most people knew of the hate crimes that still go on, they would be shocked. Schools need to be stricter on harassment at schools as well. To know that kids shoot up schools, because they were picked on or singled out is terrible. These shootings could have been prevented, but instead families and friends will never see their loved ones again. One of the signs that this nation is learning about being sensitive about others feelings is with the Souths flag. That flag may represent the South to many, but to some it represents racism. So after many protest, arguments, and cries, the flag was changed to a new one. That is just a small example of how a giant nation like America could change for the compassion of others. If we could do it then anyone could. Works CitedDoraplean, Andreas. Adolf Hitler. Microsoft Encarta Multimedia Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Microsoft Multimedia. 1995Franklin, Mike. We Must Remember the Holocaust. 1990.(4/26/01)Hilberg, Raul. Holocaust. Microsoft Encarta Multimedia Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Microsoft Multimedia. 1995Keegan, John. The Second World War. New York: Penguin Books, 1989. 79-468. Korn, Joey. Abes Story: Excerpts Synopsis. 1995. (4/26/01)Stone, Alan A. Spielbergs Success. 1993. (4/26/01)Words/ Pages : 4,563 / 24

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