Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mobile Phones essays

Mobile Phones essays Mobile Phones Progress or Pollutant? The Mobile Phone. Look at a mobile, there probably is one quite close to you right now, so just sit and look at it. Admire its straightforward design, and with that, think what you can do with it. By just pressing the correct arrangement of numbers on this device you can talk to anybody, anywhere as long as you have credit. These days, mobile phones provide an astonishing range of functions, and new ones are being added at a gradual pace. Depending on the model, you can: Keep track of appointments and set reminders Use the built-in calculator for simple math Get information (news, entertainment, stock quotes) from the Internet Integrate other devices such as PDAs, MP3 players and GPS receivers And of course the one and only txt messages Mobile Phones to me are The best thing since sliced bread. The Growth of communications especially the use of mobile phones since the 1980s has revolutionized global business life. The USA is the country with the most mobile phone users with 24 million 134 thousand 421 people and that, ladies and gentlemen was a survey done in 1998. People can communicate better than before with the aid of Mobiles and as I believe Esat are benefiting from it so it looks like an all round good thing. I dont see that mobiles used normally pose a health problem, but some people are using them for 20 30 minutes or more at a time, ant there is vast scientific evidence that there is a hazard to health from that kind of use take Veronica Guieran for example, after her murder the doctors did a post mortem on her and found that her brain had turned grey on one side of her head from overuse of the Mobile phone sh ...

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